I should write about him as a memory....
yeah, even this was a nightmare of losing him...
i believe in myself.. cause i have Allah...
tq so much for all these 2 years, u being with me...
there were lot of things we went through together...
unfortunately we can't stay together..
I can't help it... i really can't... im so sorry dear 'abang..'
I have to let you go.. we aren't suit each other..
i plan so many things for us.. end up.. it happen like this... ;(
so sad to talk about this... im just writing it up as our memory which i can refresh in future...
Mohd Anuar Mohd Yusof..
we were known each other in tagged.. at the first time as friend, a year after we decided to be a couple..
im happy and accepted the relationship...
I move on from previous relationship... :)
knowing you was great, u always make me smile with your silly jokes..
we were born in the same month... december..
we were most likely the same character.. jokes, laughs and hard working...
that was the best moments to remember...
we were dating after few months declared, i was so happy to meet you..
i was on leave and met kak ati and ummi first before i met you..
we were dating at tanjung harapan... :) did you still remember?
almost magrib and we saw sunset together and ate rojak, french fries and u drank milo if im not mistaken...
the funny thing when i was there 2 times at the same day... i went with kak ati and ummi... then kak ati sent me to the hotel and you said you can't wait to meet me and at the same evening we met and went to tanjung harapan again... :) haha... best right?
after that few things happened and i came down to klang quite often to meet you... almost every month right? i will sacrifice everything to meet you... because of your working nature doesn't allow you to apply leave and spend time with me...
i tried to understand... always try to understand and make you understand me... i do for nothing actually... am i right?
abang.. if you can read this... i can say i love you.. i want to be with you... i want you to be my husband... you can guide me... we will build up our own family... but it doesn't happen as what i imagine.. plans is coming in Allah's hand..
few thing i regret of not being with you.. but i still need to redha for what had happened in my life... don't worry.. we will accept all these things.. only TIME can heal this hurt...
I need to wait for TIME to recover me.. hope so soon will be recovered..
Abang, wherever you go, whoever stay with you... you need to know i'm really happy for what we had before... i wrote a few letters for you.. when i was down and you were in China and can't be contacted..
i should pass it to you and you can read what i've written for you..
Thank you for everything abang!
you were my memory which will always be remembered! In shaa Allah...
Thank you for accepting me all this while..
forgive me... for letting you go from my life..
i've so many pictures of us...
when the time comes, i will delete from my phone...
i hope to meet you one day...
See you abang...